Parks & Recreation

Winter/Spring Brochure                                                                                           

 Director’s Notes

The Winter/Spring Brochure marks the start of a new program season which means new opportunities to learn, to grow and to enjoy each day! The staff has put together programs and events that will teach you new skills, educate you about staying healthy and get you and your family outdoors (yes – even in the winter)!

Our Adult Program offerings include art workshops, exercise classes, gardening workshops, health education classes and wildflower walks. This season we welcome Tower Health to our growing list of program partners. Members of their team will be offering the following workshops: “Managing Medications”, “Advanced Directives” and “Exercise is Medication”. Check out the details on our Adult Programs pages.

The Family Nature Series is offering programs about all types of wildlife. We may not have lions, tigers and bears but we have bees, bluebirds, owls and frogs – just to name a few. And – we have all of this in just one season! See all the program details on the Family Nature Series page. Please be sure to register everyone who plans on attending these programs.

During our Family Programs we will be looking at the stars, flying kites, learning about chemistry and testing minerals. Check out all the details on the Family Program page. Our programs are held at many different locations so please read the program descriptions carefully and then check out the chart on page for the addresses of each location.

Visit our Special Events page and mark your calendars and be sure to join us for at least one of these great community events!

The combination of longer periods of darkness and colder temperatures are hard on everyone but try and resist the urge to become a house hermit. Take some time each day to get outside, breathe some fresh air and visit one of the Township’s sixteen (16) parks. Be sure to dress for the weather and bring along some water!

We look forward to seeing you in our parks and programs!

Judy Houck, CPRP
Director of Parks and Recreation



Parks and Recreation Department

(610) 678-5399