Subdivision / Land Development

The Township’s Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing and providing a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for approval of any proposed subdivision or land development projects in the Township.

Proposed land developments must obtain Planning Commission recommendation, and Board of Supervisors approval, either through an approved, recorded plan, or the granting of a waiver request from all required sections of the SALDO. Any proposed subdivision of land must obtain Planning Commission recommendation, and Board of Supervisors approval.

All proposed subdivision or land development is further reviewed by the Engineering/Planning department, zoning officer, and fire and police departments, to ensure conformity with other Township regulations and that public safety is considered.

All submissions must be received in complete a minimum of three weeks prior to the next scheduled public meeting in order to be considered for the agenda. For a submission to be considered “complete” it must include a  minimum of four (4) hard copies of all required plans, and the applicable fees. Digital copies of plans are welcome and appreciated but not a substitute for hard copies.